It is really dangerous. There are numerous examples of why this is a very, very bad idea. Nonetheless, this past week's Mishpacha, in an article on gans (nursery school) wrote,
In the United States, leaving young children in a car unattended is illegal.
. Uh, OK. What about
unsafe? I just don't get why they say illegal as if that is the only reason not to do it. Apparently its not illegal in Israel so here it must be ok, according to them. Well, in reality leaving kids in a car unattended in dangerous. It is bad parenting and irresponsible in general. One of the dangers is that a child could release the brake and the car could roll into traffic, or even in a driveway, injure another child. THIS has happened! It is not an irrational fear.
I appreciate and enjoy the magazine, almost every week, and think it has many good points. I am not bashing it, as you can see in a previous post where I raved about an article. But the fact that the writer decided that leaving kids in cars was only worth pointing out because it is illegal in the states.
And I know, I've been neglecting this blog lately. But you do believe me when I say I have written so many posts in my head, when I'm away from the computer and when I do get a chance to sit down, I have completely forgotten everything?
If I am not back here before Rosh Hashanah, Chasiva vichasima tovah, may everyone's tefillos be answered.
Kol tuv.