My new job and more
I have a new job. This week I started cooking for a yeshiva. It is only a few portions for lunch. I prepare food for my family along with the yeshiva's food. The boys seem to like it, so that's good. I like the Israeli way of eating better, I think it is healthier- the big meal of the day is lunch. I prepare protein - usually chicken sometimes fish or ground meat (or ground meat product), starch and soup and/or salad. Dinner is a light meal like sandwiches, pancakes or eggs. When I was cooking for only my family I relied too much on prepared food (soy, fishsticks) and the main meal was dinner, neither of which is health. Now I am sure that my family is getting a healthy meal at the right time. May Hashem give me the koach to continue.
I already read part of this weeks Mishpacha. As I was reading the "Daughter of The King" article I realized I know the woman that it is about! I worked in her gan. I have often wondered how she is doing. It is so nice to know she is happy. It is so good to hear that she has adopted a child - whom she was able to nurse! And who she homeschools! As an educator she always had such passion for doing right by the kids and warmth and love just flowed through her every interaction with them. This is one of those times that I think I missed out on knowing someone better. I worked at the gan in a time in my life when I was very self absorbed and I think I could have learned alot from Chana... Maybe I will try to contact her. If anyone has any leads on Chana Ilyin (she has another first name that I knew her by but I don't like to publicize people's personal information without permission, it really bothers me when people do it to me!) please let me know.
I wonder how MOchassid did or is doing on his bike ride.
Have a gut shabbos everyone.