Bird on a mountain

Trying to fly, sitting on this mountain

Sunday, May 23, 2004

more on the sheitel thing

Are/ were the people that burned the 300 sheitels in williamsburg aware that the culmination of the hair offering is supposed to be *burning* it on the alter as an offering to the avodah zara? Were they sure that they were bad sheitels or did they just jump the gun? Do they feel dumb now?

In one article I read (too lazy to find the link) a lady was quoted as saying that the point of modesty was to "blend". I hated that quote. I disagree. We are not required to blend with the goyim - even in a sheitel, a woman in tznius clothing hardly blends in 100 degree weather in brooklyn. The same woman was also quoted as being glad she did not have to take the train to the city that day- yeah a hat or snood would be the strangest and most out of place site on a train in NYC. ha!

All in all it was a nice shabbos.
Now to clean up and get ready for shavuos.
Matan Torah! Not the first time we didn't "blend" with the goyim and by far not the last.
Shavua tov!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

There are so many things I could and should be doing now

Instead of any of them, having just got the baby (he is 2 1/2) to sleep, I sat down to start my blog! I don't really know what I'm doing but having found other frum women's blogs looking for information about the whole sheitel thing (I don't even own a sheitel!) I just decided to start a blog. Hah! So here I am.

There are so many things I still could be doing. Baking challah is unfortunately not one of them as once again I forgot to buy yeast. And it is after 12:00 am. Guess we are buying this week, again.

So the sheitel thing is facinating. As someone who doesn't wear a sheitel, my husband and some of my sheitel wearing friends might have viewed my interest at the breaking story as gloating- but I don't think so. It's puzzling though (and puzzles are so interesting) that I saw the issue first mentioned on the net on an email list from 1997 and this psak was issued now, so many years later.... One sheitel wearing friend told me how all these women who view walking outside in snoods and tichels like walking out in their pajamas and how much mesiras nefesh to go out in snoods when the psak came out. Yeah, I hear that. May it be a zchus for klal yisrael in these troubled times.
I am glad though that I never spent a few thousand dollars on someone else's hair only to have to get rid of it now. Instead every so often I spend 15- 75 shekel on a new tichel. And no I am not gloating.

There is alot to do for shabbos and we are having a fair amount of guests and all the usual craziness. So off I go now.
A gut shabbos to who ever reads this.
