Bird on a mountain

Trying to fly, sitting on this mountain

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Sheitel vs.tichel

Maidel, in response to my last entry, wrote

But I take issue with her statement that she has never seen a woman slip a tichel off her head. Perhaps in Israel she has never seen it, but look in every frum neighborhood in Brooklyn and Queens and you will see FFB women (some even with yichus) who are struggling with their yiddishkeit and their tichels are halfway back on their head, and it doesn't take much more for it to come off completely. It's in Kew Gardens, Flushing, Boro Park, Flatbush, and yes, even in Crown Heights.

I don't really understand how someone can "take issue" with what I stated has been my own personal experience. Maybe Maidel would like a little elaboration on my part- here it is- ( and in my next blog entry I will b'n try to not even mention sheitels- I hope)

The tshuva that I was commenting on said
As to your inquiry about the difference between covering one's hair with a sheitel and covering one's hair with a kerchief:

The difference is extremely simple. When the hair is covered with a kerchief and one meets a non-religious friend or acquaintance, then quite often the kerchief "slides up" or disappears altogether into the pocket.

This, of course, cannot be done with a sheitel. Ultimately, keeping the hair constantly covered becomes second nature.

There are a few statements and assertions that, based on my personal experience, I just do not see happening. That is to say, I see no proof provided by the Rebbe here of the inherent advantage of sheitelach over tichlach. The issue is referred to as "extremely simple"- if this were indeed the case there would not be such a broad range of halachicly based opinions on this topic- (not even counting the India/ avodah zara issue!). In my personal experience people that b'shita wear tichlach and davka not a sheitel are scrupulous to cover their hair. I am not saying that there are not women that b'davka wear sheitels who are not equally as scrupulous. There are *many*. There are many women who wear sheitels for tznius- they feel that it covers all their hair more efficiently and they are makpid that the sheitel conforms to the spirit of tznius as well. But this letter make it sounds like tichel wearers are flaky in their yiras shamayim and will toss off their tichel at the drop of a hat;) I have just never seen that. Women who b'shita wear tichels, for tznius reasons just don't do that. I am not referring to women who wear sheitels, falls, etc and on a shlumpy day throw on a snood or a bandana. These are the women whose hair shows in a cloth covering and also shows in a sheitel, indeed their sheitels are designed to integrate their own hair so that it looks more natural.
The women who Maidel refers to, whose headcovering slips off, eventually to slip off completely will just as soon take off a wig as they will another covering. And they definitely do not *b'shita* (for tznius reasons) not wear sheitels. I do not judge any of the aforementioned women. Each person has their own nisayon. Uncovering my hair in public was never mine, and I do not know how would act were I in their shoes. I just wish that there could be shalom and not always one group putting the other down. There are valid reasons for wearing a sheitel and they don't have to involve putting down women who don't wear them (and vice versa). I find it strange that this is *the* difference that *anyone* would see between wearing a sheitel and wearing a tichel- essentially that anyone who wears a tichel does not have a minimum amount of yiras shamayim. Again, I say "HUH?!"

Kol Tuv


  • At July 13, 2004 at 3:33 AM, Blogger Bird said…


  • At September 24, 2007 at 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The custom in my Sephardic family is to cut the hair short upon marriage.Its ugly and I don't think anyone would take off the scarf or hat to show it.

    I think this is why these customs exist. Today many more young Chassidic women who are not Lubavitch and Sephardic women are choosing to not wear a sheital. They are doing so to be machmir.

    I don't believe that they are being "less frum" and I don't believe that statements that the Rebbe made that I believe were aimed at a population that was not comfortable with head covering should be applied to all Jews.

  • At November 9, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Blogger Deborah Shaya said…

    Hair Coverings – It is time to UnCover

    I am writing to raise a simple and very important question:

    Where is the codified Halacha that a married woman must cover all her hair, all the time, whenever she steps out of her house, whether it is summer or winter?

    There is NO CODIFIED HALACHA that a married woman must cover her hair totally and constantly whenever she steps out of her house.

    The halachah has been totally MISINTERPRETED, and in fact, relates ONLY to a married woman covering her hair when she lights the candles to welcome in Shabbat and Yom Tov – lechavod Shabbat ve Yom Tov, and when she goes to the Synagogue.

    Therefore, for religious men/women to impose hair coverings on other women, whenever they step out of their houses is against the Torah. This misinterpretation of the Torah is completely ASSUR, and a TWISTING of the Torah.

    In ancient times, a woman would only cover her hair upon entering the Beit Hamikdash. Similarly for the Sotah - otherwise she would not cover her hair ordinarily, day to day.

    It is very important for people to know and realise that when a married woman covers her hair with 'REAL HAIR' the woman is covering herself with 100%TUMAH. This is TOTALLY AGAINST the Torah AND IS 100% ASSUR.

    She can never fully be sure that this 'hair' has not come from MEITIM - despite any guarantee by the seller.

    This 'real hair' is doubly and in some circumstances, triply TUMAH. FIRSTLY, it will contain the leftover dead hair cells from another person - however much it has been treated, the tumah is still there.

    SECONDLY, this other person (likely to be a non-Jew who most likely was involved in some kind of AVODAH ZARAH) may have eaten bacon, ham, lobster etc, all of which are totally forbidden as unclean and non-kosher foods in Halacha.

    THIRDLY, if the woman happens to be the wife of a COHEN, then she is bringing her husband into close contact and proximity with meitim and Tumah Every day, and throughout their married life - clearly strictly against the Torah.

    Men have degraded women in order to suit their own sexual desires and needs. Some men actually prefer to see their wives in wigs because they look more sexually attractive to them than their real hair.

    There is nothing more degrading and demeaning to a woman than to make her cover her hair upon marriage. Frankly it is an abhorrent practice. By quoting feeble non-starter arguments like 'Tzniut' - 'Modesty' not backed up by clear Halacha, the Rabbis and Rebbetzins are making a complete MOCKERY of the Torah, and all the good values that they stand for.

    It is extremely unhealthy and unhygienic for a woman to cover her hair constantly. The hair needs oxygen to breathe.

    In addition, hair covering is a form of oppression to women by men, and doing so, can undoubtedly cause a certain type of depression in women, once their hair is covered so permanently for life. It is a vile and abhorrent practice.

    A woman's hair will lose its natural beauty and shine, she may have scalp problems, some of her hair may fall out, she may get headaches, and she may end up cutting it short like a man, when she always wore it long, in order not to have too much discomfort from her hair covering.

    Do you think that HaKadosh Baruch Hu commanded this of women? I can assure you that He did not.

    The commmandments are not meant to cause so much repression and oppression in women.

    The Goyim also look at us in disgust when they know that Jewish women cover their hair and wear wigs. They think that we are going against all the light and the beautiful principles that we, Am Yisrael, brought into the world.

    And therefore, for a woman to start doing this nonsensical act of covering her hair, all the time, in all seasons and temperatures, is against the Torah, and is also a form of CHILLUL HASHEM. Exactly the opposite of all the arguments put forward for this unnecessary sacrifice.

    For a married woman to cover her hair is a Chillul Hashem, and is in no way, a Kiddush Hashem.

    It is also against all common sense, apart from anything else, otherwise why would Hashem have created women with hair on their heads in the first place?


    To all the women reading this: Please think about all that I have said above. As there is NO HALACHAH for a married woman to constantly cover her hair once she steps out of her house, PLEASE have the intelligence and moral strength of character to remove your wigs, and hair coverings, other than to bring in Shabbat and Yom Tov, and to go to the Synagogue.

    It is totally AGAINST THE TORAH for any married woman to be covering her hair constantly, ( e.g especially in the hot summer), when she steps out of her house. This is a MISREPRESENTATION and TWISTING of the Torah.


    It is far better to admit a wrong and do Teshuvah now, whilst there is time, than to leave it until it is TOO LATE - AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT.

    That is precisely why Yehuda was rewarded with the Malchut.

    For a woman to cover her hair with REAL HAIR is to cover herself with complete TUMAH, and also against the Torah. If she happens to be the wife of a COHEN, then she is bringing her husband into close contact and proximity with meitim and Tumah every day - clearly strictly against the Torah.

    Deborah Shaya,

    London, England.

  • At December 17, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Anonymous Deborah Shaya said…

    There is No codified Halacha that a married woman must cover her hair totally and constantly whenever she steps out of her house.

    The Halachah has been MISinterpreted. When the Halachah refers to "Covering hair," it does not mean "Cover your hair with hair!" and "constantly for life." The Halachah is that:

    A married woman is required to cover her hair when:

    (1) she lights the candles to welcome in Shabbat and Yom Tov – lechavod Shabbat ve Yom Tov, and

    (2) when she goes to the Synagogue, because that is the place of Kedusha.

    The Halacha does not require anything more from married women. This is the true interpretation of the Halacha.

    The misinterpretation of the Torah is completely Assur, and a twisting of the Torah.The Torah must remain straight.

  • At December 17, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Anonymous Deborah Shaya said…

    1. To all the women who are wondering about the sources:

    We have all been created, "Betselem Elokim" - "in the image of Elokim."
    This means that we have been given something called "intelligence." The source is the very first Parsha, Bereishit - 1:27. It is time that people use the spark of intelligence and Kedusha with which Hashem has blessed them.

    If your rabbi will tell you to go and jump into the depths of a glacier, presumably you would do that too – and give me a source for it?

    “According to the Zohar”, I should also be covering my hair with a wig when I have a bath. “According to the Zohar and the Gemara” and all the sources that have misinterpreted the Halachah, and MIStranslated the Zohar, I should also have been born with a WIG on my head.

    These sources and translations are incorrect, as they have deviated very far from the true and correct interpretation, of the Halachah.

  • At December 17, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Anonymous Deborah Shaya said…

    Any man who makes such a ridiculous demand on his wife, or wife-to-be, should similarly also be required by his wife to wear: long white stockings, even in the summer; a fur streimel; grow a long beard; wear a black hat and coat constantly, and cover his face when he speaks to his wife.Wigs -"la perruque"- were merely a fashion item in the time of Louis XIV-they are not for the Jewish woman!

    Rabbi Menachem Schneeersohn tz”l, gave the directive that a married woman must cover her head with a “sheitel.” This needs to be corrected. Rabbi Schneersohn a"h, was a Tzaddik, – but on this – he was, unfortunately not correct.

    2.Remember that the Jewish women are very, very holy. They are much more holy than the men. Look at the exemplary behaviour of the women at Har Sinai.

    The women never sinned at the Eigel, and so are greatly elevated. Many of the men, unfortunately, ran after a calf made out of a lump of gold – after they had just been given the Torah, and seen the greatest of all Revelations. The women refused to give their gold for the avodah zarah of the men.

    The women were greatly elevated after such a wonderful display of Emunah, and they are regarded very highly in Shamayim.

    That is why women are not even required to pray. They can pray at home on their own. Nor do women have to make up a minyan. That is how holy the Jewish women are. Men have to pray 3 times a day to remind them of their Creator.

    The men are telling the women to put the hair of a non-Jewish woman who may have eaten things like snakes and sharks and alligators, and has worshipped in churches, Buddist temples or Hindu temples : on their own Heads. They had better wake up.

    If the men don’t want to wake up to the truth, and the true interpretation of the Halacha, the women will wake them up – whether they like it or not.

  • At December 17, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Anonymous Deborah Shaya said…

    3. Many righteous women influenced their husbands for the good at the Chet Haeigel and at the time of Korach.

    It was these righteous women who succeeded in bringing their husbands back to their senses.

    And because of these great women, the lives of their husbands were saved. Those men therefore turned away from the madness of avodah zarah, and the rebellion of Korach against Hashem's choice of Aharon, as Cohen HaGadol.

    4. Look at the Jewish women in history, and remember how holy they are.

    (a) Yaakov, who was the greatest of the Avot, came to marry the 2 daughters of Lavan, Rachel and Leah. Lavan was not exactly a tzaddik. Yaakov went to Lavan, of all people, to marry his 2 daughters – not 1 daughter, but his 2 daughters. Nothing could be greater than that.

    (b) Rut, who came from Moav, became the ancestor of David Hamelech.

    (c ) Batya, the daughter of Paroh, was given eternal life because she rescued Moshe from the river. No one could have been more evil than Paroh.

    (d) Devorah, was a Neviah, and also a Judge.

    Women who came from such adverse backgrounds, were able to become builders of Am Yisrael. That is how holy the women are, and how much more elevated they are than the men.

    This was never the case with men. It never happened the other way round.

    Don't tell me it is holy for me to wear a WIG! Hair over my own hair? This is ridiculous!

    Similarly, don’t tell me it is holy for me to plonk a permanent head covering on my head for the rest of my life. This is equally vile.

    Please Wake Up.

    Use the spark of intelligence that Hakadosh Baruch Hu gave to you and blessed you with.

    And give your wig back to your husband if you wear one.

  • At December 17, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Anonymous Deborah Shaya said…

    5. Remember: Not a single “dayan” or “rabbi” has the slightest bit of interest in correcting the situation for the women. Therefore, the women will have to correct the situation................for ..................themselves.

    Whether you wish to accept the correction – which is true – is up to you. Are you going to live by the truth? Are you going to use the spark of intelligence that Hashem gave to you and all women? Or are you going to follow rabbis and dayanim who tell you to wear a wig in a Heat Wave – and you thank them for it as well?

  • At December 21, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Anonymous William Dwek said…

    The next things the bloody "rabbis" will come up with is to tell the woman to wear a CARPET on her head. Not a sheitel AND a hat, but a Carpet. Or you could go for 5 shaitels on your heads and a rug.

    And do you know what the Jewish woman will say to her husband?
    "Yes, husband! I am now wearing a carpet on my head!"

    You women must either be extremely thick, or petrified.

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